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Like any other people, Maurice had the common problem of growing baldness at the vertex. The vertex of his head had very minimal hair growth and looked distinct from the other parts that seemed fairly dense. You can see in the first picture what exactly the problem was. Since he wanted to densify the vertex, in particular, our team began the analysis concentrating on that area.
We implanted 5100 hairs concentrating mainly on that area, and he was very much impressed with the result we achieved. From the pictures 1 & 2, you can see how the vertex was before the intervention and how it is now after the intervention. The red spots are the ones depicting the newly implant hairs.
We wanted to hear feedback from Maurice about our services and here is what he said:
“I am very satisfied with the organisation and the quality of your service!”
We advised Maurice for follow-up treatments to make sure the evolution is healthy. The following picture shows the 3-week result after the surgery. The scalp looks very much healthy and healed, with the crusts on the scalp removed, the implant hairs have fallen out paving way for healthy hair to grow
You may not be able to huge changes in the first 3-4 months, but after the end of 4th month, the implanted hairs will start growing and you can see visible results.
At the end of the 6th month, you can find that the implanted hairs have grown back to cover the vertex completely and it will continue to become denser as times goes.
Here is a before-after comparison photo to better see the changes:
Do you want to stop your hair loss and regain your natural hair style?
Apply now for a Personilazed treatment plan.