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Every problem has a solution or a motivation to find a contemporary solution. History of hair transplantation is related to the history of baldness. However transplantation of hairs is a newer technique but baldness has been a cause of embracement since long. People always tried to find out some head cover to hide their hairless scalp. With the passage of time, everything was developed in the due course. At last, technology searched out a solution as good news for hairless ones. In the beginning the surgery was a terrifying process while the success rate was also not much encouraging. Yet many alternatives have been developed which have provided a little bit simplicity to the procedure as compared to the past. Still it needs more sophistication to attract more hairless people. Despite of many alternatives of getting rid of the baldness, there are so many people who are spending their lives without hairs. It is because the treatment is expensive and quite terrible. Even though many people who are already suffering from other diseases cannot get any benefit of this treatment. Following are some contemporary techniques which are broadly being exercised to treat the baldness.
Transplantation surgery is usually executed as the concern of
outpatient department. It may include a mild level of sedation by injecting
anesthesia. However this is an optional case. More people prefer to get the
anesthesia injected in order to get rid of pain. The impact of anesthesia usually remains
for six to seven hours. Scalp of the patient is cleaned through medicated shampoo and then
some antibacterial agent to prepare the area for surgery. Strip harvesting is one of the
most common techniques of hair transplantation surgery.
In this technique, the hair strips have been removed from the donor site.
Donor can be any person who bears good hair growth. First, the surgeon has to analyze the
donor site precisely. The areas of green region are figured out. Green regions are
those scalp areas which have best hair growth due to better blood supply. After
marking the areas, surgeons harvest the strips from donor site. If it is needed to treat
complete baldness, the surgeon will suggest making an arrangement of several but similar
donor sites. These strips may be picked through single, doubled or tripled bladed surgical
scalpel. After successful strip harvesting which is the most crucial part of the surgery
because the surgeon needs to keep the follicles alive. If the follicles are removed
in an unskillful manner, the follicle interaction will also not remain successful or
even cause infection after surgery. This is a little bit crucial operation
inheriting more risk. It is a low cost treatment as compared to the other alternatives
available in the market. It has been exercised popularly than the other methods. The donor
will get hair back on the area from which strips were harvested. It may leave a very thin
(probably equal to the width of a hair) scar on the donor site place in round or square
shape. The shape depends on way through which strip was taken off.
In the procedures, it is a little bit different from the strip harvesting. It contains individual follicle unit harvesting from the donor site and then inducing it in the patient’s scalp. It is more advance and more accurate process. It is consistent with the hair patterns to give a more suitable and natural look. Nobody even understands whether it is a real bunch of hair or a transplanted one. It includes individual follicle extraction and then induction and then induction thus it is a time taking procedure. It is costly and needs more micro hair transplant technological expertise. But at the same time it has more success rate compared to the former type of the hair transplant. This process takes more time, so it may be performed in one shot or different ones. Hair growth after the surgery starts in a month or two. But complete hair sprouts come out after a year and then the growth remains regulated as natural one. It needs a complete post operation medically prescribed care without which it does not give proper results. It is the most terrifying thing if your follicles die before sprouting. It is a noticeable fact that if a follicle dies at one pore, the same pore becomes infertile for good. It can never give a sprout any more. The post surgery care might include the use of prescribed medicated scalp care products which are supposed to remain in use even after a year. Some remarkable side effects may include immediate swelling on head and forehead area which becomes vanished after three days. You should pay attention if it does not vanish in four days. The surgery is very sensitive, therefore every unusual stance must be discussed with the consultant.
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